Design Process

Every architectural project is unique! Novo will be your guide from start to finish to make your vision come alive.

Get To Know You

Before we begin sketching any designs, our team needs to get to know you, your vision, and your site location. We’ll chat with you and your team to understand how you will use the new space. Together, we’ll envision how to make your project practical, beautiful, and functional.


This is where we put pencil to paper. We’ll sketch a rough draft of your project so that you can see the big picture concept. Then, we’ll work together to fill in some of the details and make any changes to the design to meet your goals.

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During this phase, we identify and evaluate the characteristics of the preferred design idea(s), developing them into a cohesive plan for the final design. We incorporate selected design details, basic structural information, material strategies, and color selection.


Once the design is finalized, the team will create the necessary drawings and specifications to build your project. These documents will be used by the contractor to obtain permits and pricing, and they will guide construction.


It’s time to find a contractor to build your project. When construction begins, we will remain actively involved in your project. Our team will regularly visit the construction site to ensure everything is going to plan according to the contract documents.


You project is finished! Now it’s time for you to enjoy your new space.

Ready to get started?

Send us an email or give us a call at (603) 207-4660.